Igilikova Symbat Igilikovna, Deputy Head of the Department of Kazakh Linguistics named after A. Baitursynov for scientific and innovative work and International Relations, PhD student. In 2007-2011, he graduated with honors from the academic Bachelor's degree of the Faculty of Philology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University with a degree in Philology: Kazakh language. The topic of the diploma:"the image of the zhalmaiz old woman in Kazakh folklore." In 2014-2016, he studied for a master's degree in literary studies. In 2016, under the guidance of K. U. Kalizhanovich, PhD, Director of the M. O. Auezov Institute of Literature and Art, she defended her master's thesis on the topic "the folk character of Suyunbai Akin's work". Igilikova S. I. published more than 40 articles at international, republican scientific- theoretical, scientific-practical conferences, in the media, as well as materials of the international scientific-theoretical online conference "leader of Kazakh history", "Bekmakhanovmukhan Bekmakhanovich", "creativity of Abai in the context of world literature and culture Compiler of scientific works published the science fiction series "great personalities". S. Igilikovna has about 40 scientific publications, over the past 5 years (Almaty, Astana, Taraz, Turkestan, Bishkek, Istanbul) she has participated in scientific conferences and forums of various levels. In addition, in philological publications contained in the guidelines of the Committee for Control in the field of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan - 6, in foreign publications included in the Scopus database – 1, collective monographs-1, Scientific and bibliographic -more than 3. In 2015, she completed a scientific internship at the Peche University of the city of Peche. PhD doctoral student of the Philological Faculty of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University with a degree in Linguistics. Thesis topic: "historical vocabulary of the Kazakh language: composition and structure" in 2019, she completed an internship at the Department of Literature of the Mugla University in Mogla, Turkey.